We are still making changes and tweaks..... any feedback email [email protected]
iShake is a revolutionary way to rate ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. Its simple... shake to rate.
How fast will you shake?
Rate any location from restaurants to hotels and coffee shops.
Rate anything trending like movies, TV shows and Politics.
Join millions around the world with ratings that are HONEST, REAL AND TRANSPARENT.
Create a profile and follow your friends to keep track of their posts.
Double tap to rate
Remember: the faster you shake, the higher you rate.
Automatically posts your ratings to Facebook and Twitter to update all your followers and friends worldwide.
Features include:
Create your own Profile
Add your friends and follow their posts
Camera capture
Camera roll import
Blank Canvas to create your own collage of images and get artistic.
GPS location check in
Peg your friends into your posts
iShake has only just begun..... let the fun continue. Look out for exciting updates coming soon giving you more power to be who you are.